10 Questions With...Eric Berry

Eric Berry didn't waste any time making an impression on the NFL. In his rookie season, the safety made the Pro Bowl by helping the Kansas City Chiefs make the playoffs for the first time since 2006. In the off-season, Berry has teamed up with Adidas to help promote the adiZero 5-Star cleat, the lightest cleat ever created (it's only 6.9 ounces!). The 5-Star cleat is out this Friday, April 1, but 10 Questions is ready now. Keep reading to see how Berry handled our questions!

What time is your alarm set for?
During the season it’s at 6:30 AM to start the work day, but in the off-season, I don’t set it at all [laughs].
Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry ice cream?
I like vanilla, but moreso cookies and cream. Sometimes I like Moose Tracks, those are pretty good. Anything with a little bit of chocolate with it. If it comes down to it, I just take a Twix and put it in my vanilla and mix it up.
What was your childhood nickname?
It’s always been EB. It started with my mom and dad. My auntie called me E-Monster because I used to always get into trouble when I was younger. Nothing bad, just little mischievous things like breaking stuff and not telling anyone who did it. There was no one else around, though, so they knew it was me. I didn’t fool them too many times.
If you weren’t an athlete, what would you want to do?
I would want to be a dentist. That was something I always dreamed of doing. In high school, I had an internship at a dentist office. It was very interesting having that experience. It just always intrigued me growing up.
Why do you wear the jersey number you do?
It’s all because of my good friend Inky Johnson [who wore #29 while playing for the University of Tennessee]. When I first stepped foot at the University of Tennessee he immediately took me under his wing. He showed me a lot of stuff about life, football, school. He always left that door open where I could come talk to him. He just helped me become the guy that I am. He kept my focus where it needed to be and he was just always there for me.
What is your favorite city to compete in?
Kansas City. Arrowhead, the fans, the energy they bring. The fans always rally behind us, no matter what the circumstances are. It's always fun to play in front of loyal fans like that who always have your back.
What do you do on days off?
I try to spend time with my family. Especially now that I’m back in Atlanta. Me and my brothers hang out a lot. Just have fun. Just simple things like talking to my family and my grandmother to catch up on things because when the season starts, it’s hard for them to come out and see me. I’ve just been enjoying my time with those guys. Watching my brothers’ baseball games and track meets, just trying to be supportive like they are to me. I haven’t raced either [of my brothers] since we were much younger. Right now, I’m trying to keep the big brother role. I’m just trying to make sure that I keep my win column where it is.
Who is the greatest athlete of all-time?
Jim Thorpe. He played so many sports. Golf, football, baseball, wrestling, the list continues. I didn’t know a lot about him until I won the award [Berry won the Jim Thorpe Award, given to the top defensive back in college football, in 2009] and got a chance to spend time with his family and go up to Oklahoma and see everything he accomplished. He is by far the greatest athlete with the most accomplishments I’ve ever seen. I highly doubt anyone could do that today in sports. He was good in golf and football and baseball all at one time.
Who is your best friend in sports?
Rokevious Watkins, who plays for the South Carolina Gamecocks. We grew up together in Fairburn, Georgia. We’ve been through a lot together. That’s my homeboy. We’ve been through things that people wouldn’t understand. That’s what makes us closer than other people. I know for a fact that he has my back no matter what happens and it’s likewise with me to him.
What is the last item that you purchased?
Adidas shell toes, yesterday. They take care of me, but I just had to go get them, man, I love my shell toes. I got the white ones with the black stripes.