10 Questions With... Kyrie Irving

The Cleveland Cavaliers guard Kyrie Irving showed what he could do on the basketball court last season when he won the NBA Rookie of the Year Award. But Irving also has skills in another arena. He appears as himself on the October 22 episode of the Disney XD show Kickin' It. On the show, Irving appears as himself and is promoting his new sneakers at a store where the show's stars, Jack and Jerry, are working security. It's not too much of a spoiler alert to let you know that Jack, Jerry, and Irving have to put their martial arts skills to use to get out of a jam, although Irving admits his kung-fu isn't as good as his alley-oop. "My martial arts moves are about as good as my golf game," he says. "They're [both] terrible."

Check out Irving's 10 Questions plus watch a special video and clip from him that he made especially for Sports Illustrated Kids.
What time is your alarm set for?
7:45 A.M.
Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry ice cream?
What was your childhood nickname?
Chip. My dad just started calling me that.
If you weren’t an athlete, what would you want to do?
I'd be Chris Brown's backup dancer
Why do you wear number 2?
That was just a random number I picked when I got drafted. It has no significance.
Besides Cleveland, what is your favorite city to compete in?
Oklahoma City. Besides [Cleveland], they have some of the best fans in the NBA. And they sell out almost every game no matter who they're playing.
What do you do on days off?
I like to read a lot of leadership books and play video games.
Who is the greatest athlete of all-time?
Michael Jordan
Who is your best friend in sports?
I've got two: [Cavaliers forwards] Luke Harangody and Alonzo Gee.
What is the last item that you purchased?
A Blackberry charger