Foosball... Out of a Shoebox?

​All the counselors here at Camp Wannawin saved the boxes from their winter boots so you could transform them into a mini foosball game!Materials:• Shoebox•
Foosball... Out of a Shoebox?
Foosball... Out of a Shoebox? /


​All the counselors here at Camp Wannawin saved the boxes from their winter boots so you could transform them into a mini foosball game!

• Shoebox
• Four wooden dowels
• Ten clothespins
• Five corks
• White and blue duct tape
• Green paper
• White paint pen
• Ping-Pong ball
• Acryllic paint
• Scissors
• X-Acto Knife
• Glue Gun

Cut out the Goals / Carlos M. Saavedra

Find the center point on the box and sketch out a goal. The smaller the goal, the more challenging it will be to score! Cut out with an X-Acto knife.

Cover the Box With Duct Tape / Carlos M. Saavedra

First, cover the box with the white tape, then add a row of blue tape on the top edge. This will make your box nice and sturdy.

Make the Field / Carlos M. Saavedra

Cut the green paper to fit inside the bottom of the box. Using a ruler and the white paint pen, draw the goal boxes and the center line. Use a cup to trace the center circle.

Make Holes for the Dowels / Carlos M. Saavedra

Measure out four holes on each side, roughly evenly spaced out. Using the end of a pair of scissors, poke holes in the box and insert the dowels.

Paint the Players / Carlos M. Saavedra

Pick your team colors and paint the clothespins. Cut each cork in half, paint on some hair.

Line Up the Players / Carlos M. Saavedra

Clip the players onto the dowels, then using the glue gun, attach the heads. Find a friend to play you, drop in the ball, and see who can score a gooooooooaaallll!!
