Blind and Autistic 14-Year-Old Wows Fenway Park

When it comes to what happens on the field, we tend to focus on things like no-hitters, epic home runs, and wacky plays. But sometimes the best moments happen before the first pitch — and that was certainly true in Boston last night.
Before the Red Sox faced the Cleveland Indians, 14-year-old Christopher Duffley stood at home plate to sing the national anthem. But Christopher is no ordinary teenager. He’s an incredible singer. He also happens to be blind and autistic. Chrisopher has used music to “inspire people across the globe” as part of the organization Autism Speaks, as Fenway Park’s PA announcer said. And he certainly did that yesterday with a truly great rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner. It moved everyone in the park — fan and player alike — and made for one of the great moments of the 2015 MLB season.