Some of SI Kids' Funniest Funny Photos

Sports Illustrated Kids has been asking kids to give us their best captions for some weird, wacky, and just plain funny photos for years. Since for our May 2016 issue is dedicated to everything funny in sports, we thought we'd look back at some of the Funny Photo captions that have been published in the magazine. So we flipped through the archives and found these gems. And, yup. Still funny.
Remember, you can submit your funniest one-liners to the current Funny Photo at Your caption might show up in a future issue of Sports Illustrated Kids!

"What stinks? Oh yeah, that's my defense." — Emmet, Maryland (2014)

"He won't be laughing when he finds out this is Elmer's Glue instead of milk." — Andrew, Colorado (2006)

"Come on. We need only 50 cents more for a hot dog." — Matt, Maryland (2006)

"Really, Kinsler? You couldn't hold it until after the huddle?" — Stephan, Ohio (2009)

"Fourteen hours, 36 minutes, 12 seconds. I still think I can beat this thing in a staring contest." — Jack, Minnesota (2007)

"Looks like Head & Shoulders doesn't only work for Polamalu." — Jimmy, Indiana (2012)

"Wave! We're on the hug cam!" — Dominic, Michigan (2014)

"Mmm, maple does taste better than ash." — Curtis Granderson, Detroit Tigers (2008)

"I think we used the wrong shampoo!" — Penny, Nebraska (2012)