Arian Foster Takes On A Mechanical Bull…And Loses

NFL running backs like to get hit – if they didn’t, they’d have picked a less physically demanding position – so the longer this lockout lasts, the more creative players have to be to get their competitive juices flowing.
Well I think Houston Texans Pro Bowl running back Arian Foster might have just come up with the most amusing way to get a little roughhousing in during his extended vacation. If you need a quick afternoon laugh, click on the video player and check out last year’s leading rusher getting tossed for a ride when he takes on a mechanical bull.
Foster was goofing around in Los Angeles for a serious cause, doing his part to help promote SUBWAY’S All-Star BBQ for charity, which benefits the West Alabama Food Bank (WAFB), a non-profit organization devoted to feeding victims of the recent flood disaster. You can donate $10 by texting "FOOD" to 27722, and Subway matches the donation.