Jay Cutler Looks Really, Really Sad
Let this be a lesson, kids: If you're ever a young superstar quarterback, and you're traded to a storied franchise like the Chicago Bears, and they hold a big

Let this be a lesson, kids: If you're ever a young superstar quarterback, and you're traded to a storied franchise like the Chicago Bears, and they hold a big news conference to announce the trade to Bears fans everywhere, SMILE WHEN YOU'RE HOLDING UP YOUR JERSEY!

In that photo, it looks like the Bears told Jay Cutler to come down to their team headquarters to get a free puppy. But when he got there, there were no puppies. Just a new Bears jersey. And now he's trying really hard to not cry.
C'mon Jay. You get to throw to Brandon Rideau and Devin Aromashodu next season! Oh, maybe that's why he's going to cry.