Breaking Down a Busy NFL Preseason

The NFL preseason is under way!
Many teams are already making an impact. As a former football player myself, I realize how unimportant the preseason may seem. But it really does give players kind of a heads up for the upcoming season.
For example, one player, quarterback Kyle Orton hasn’t seemed to have gotten that wake up call. In his first game as a Bronco, Orton threw three interceptions against the San Francisco 49ers. Now, I understand that this is only a first start and everyone has bad days. However, I look forward to seeing Orton’s next start.
Meanwhile, it appears that Brett Favre may sign with the Minnesota Vikings after all. Many players of the Vikings have claimed that they expect Favre to join their team soon. I personally believe that Favre will be a good option for the Vikings and offer a strong, reliable arm this season.
Another interesting story surrounds the Eagles signing Micheal Vick. Vick has earned both positive and negative reactions in Philly. For example, the day Vick was signed, many cheered him on and hoped it would mean good news for Philly. On the other hand, many people protested and created signs and posters that said things such as “Hide your beagle, Vick’s an Eagle.” Vick was recently released from prison after being sentenced on dog fighting and animal torture charges. Despite the fact that Vick hasn’t played football in two seasons, I still think he could fit well in the Eagles lineup.
And the last major story in the NFL preseason is about Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, making his first start since last season. Brady did very well in his start against the Eagles, throwing two touchdowns along with an interception. Brady and the Patriots will next play the Cincinnati Bengals at home in Foxboro.
The NFL preseason does a lot more than just get the players ready for the upcoming season. It really gets fans excited and gets them ready for another great season of football. In just a couple of months we will see big hits, touchdowns-a-plenty, and, most of all, a lot of fun.
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