Dallas Stars Get New Logo and Jerseys

The Carolina Hurricanes weren't the only NHL team to debut new threads yesterday. The Dallas Stars got in on the action, too. But the Stars revealed more than just new jerseys — they went for a full-on rebrand.
At an unveiling event in Dallas yesterday, the Stars debuted their first major logo overhaul in the 20 years the team has been in Texas. The previous logo — the word "Dallas" written above the word "Stars," with a big star underneath it — has given way to something stripped down and simpler. The new logo is a capital "D" in the center of a star.
Here's what the old logo looked like:
And here's what the new logo looks like:
The top image is the Stars' new primary logo, the one one the bottom left is the team's alternate logo, and the one one the bottom right is the new alternate logo.
The Stars will wear the new logo on the ice beginning in the 2013-14 season. It will be part of a whole new jersey scheme the team will start using, as well. Here's Dallas left winger Jamie Benn and Stars legend Mike Modano showing off the new jerseys yesterday:
What do you think of the Stars' new look? Do you like the new logo, or should they have stayed with the old one?
Photos: (top and logos) Dallas Stars, (old jersey) Jeff Gross/Getty Images, (bottom) AP