NBA's Worst Hair Cuts
When you look more like a Simpsons character (Sideshow Bob) than an NBA player, it's probably time to go see the barber.
We have a hard time figuring out what's uglier: Big Ben's hair or Big Ben's free-throw shooting percentage.
Judging by his mangy mane, it's no wonder the Clippers center earned the nickname Captain Kaman, as in Captain Caveman. Lucky for us, this picture was taken in 2006 and Kaman has since cut his long locks.
Back in 2007, Drew Gooden wanted to start a new fashion trend. Shortly after, the Ducktail was born. Look directly underneath his headband in this picture. No, that's not a shadow, that is a tuft of hair on Gooden's otherwise freshly-shaved head.
Noah looked like he was ready to audition for a part in the Geico caveman commercials when he was drafted in 2007. And no, it's not much prettier when he pulls his hair back in a ponytail during game action.
It's never a good sign when you're worried an NBA sharpshooter might have stolen your sister's headband.
"Hello, Mr. Stern.""Hello, Robin.""I take it you didn't get my request for a size XXXXL hat?""No we did not."
No one could doubt Ron's team spirit last season. His next challenge? Figuring out how to fit "Rockets" on the back of his head in '08.
What do you think takes longer: Pre-game stretching or pre-game straightening?
A bleached blonde mohawk? That's our cue to end this gallery.