Sports Illustrated's Walter Iooss Jr.

Sports Illustrated's Walter Iooss Jr.
Sports Illustrated's Walter Iooss Jr. /

Michael Jordan

The Newseum -- a 250,000-square-foot museum in Washington, D.C. -- has raised the curtain on an October exhibit featuring highlights from the career of legendary Sports Illustrated photographer Walter Iooss Jr. Here are some of the photos in that exhibit. Many of the shots in ''Athlete: The Sports Illustrated Photography of Walter Iooss'' were published in Iooss's 2008 book, "Athlete."

Children playing stickball
Dwight Clark
Kobe Bryant
Serena Williams
Magic Johnson
Bernard Hopkins
Kevin Garnett
Greg Louganis
Kick Boxing
Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus
Cuban diving
Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier
Tiger Woods
