Sports Gamer Q&A: Derrick Rose

I recently caught up with 2008-09 Rookie of the Year (and NBA 2K Draft Combine cover boy) Derrick Rose for a friendly game of simulated hoops, via NBA 2K10.

While we played, I also had the chance to chat with Chi-Town's finest about his gaming skills, his love of the 2K franchise, and more. Check it out!
Oh... I beat Rose, btw. 18-14 (it was a shortened game). Yeaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! How did you feel when you found out you were on the cover of the 2K Draft Combine download?
Derrick Rose:
It’s an honor. When I was younger I used to always play. So I’m a pretty dedicated gamer. All my friends play. So to be on the cover, it’s great. I remember when NBA 2K was on Dreamcast! Do you play a lot with teammates?
Nah. I play with friends mostly. Or anyone that comes over to the house.
Derrick: How many copies of the game would you say go through in a year?
Hmm… probably about 12. What is it about 2K that makes it the hoops game of choice for you?
It’s just perfect. The way people are moving is realistic. They have the real play-sets. The signature moves are there. The way people really shoot, their form, and even the way they take layups… it’s all there.
Do you play on the road?
I’m supposed to be getting a briefcase with an Xbox inside it so that I can hook it up to any TV I’m near on the road.
Basketball players get all the perks.
I didn’t even know about it! I saw Gilbert Arenas with one. You just open it, power it up, and go. How do you think the 2K guys did with regard to capturing your abilities?
They did
pretty good! I can shoot a little better in the game.
I didn’t look at my rankings, but they told me I’m an 83. I’m just honored to be in the game.
You’ve gotta live up to that improved shooting now though.
They knew what they were doing [laughs]. They made my team better too. 74. That’s an improvement.